MongoDB Atlas vs AWS DocumentDB

January 20, 2022

MongoDB Atlas vs AWS DocumentDB

Welcome, data wizards! Choosing the right database management system for your app can be a daunting task. Don't worry, though! We're here to help you choose between MongoDB Atlas and AWS DocumentDB. It's like choosing between spaghetti and pizza –both are delicious, but you can only pick one. Let's dive in!


MongoDB Atlas and AWS DocumentDB are two of the most popular cloud-based, NoSQL database management systems. They are both designed to provide high performance, availability, and scalability to your apps while reducing operational overhead.

While MongoDB Atlas is a fully managed database-as-a-service (DBaaS) offering by MongoDB, AWS DocumentDB is Amazon's managed service that is compatible with MongoDB. They may seem similar at first glance, but they have subtle differences that can make or break your app's success.

Feature Comparison

Let's take a look at the key features of both MongoDB Atlas and AWS DocumentDB:

Feature MongoDB Atlas AWS DocumentDB
Performance Excellent Excellent
Scalability Horizontal scaling Horizontal and vertical scaling
Availability 99.99% availability SLA 99.99% availability SLA
Supported APIs MongoDB API MongoDB API
Consistency Model Strong Consistency MongoDB Compatibility Mode Consistency
Transaction Support Yes Yes
Backup and Recovery Yes Yes
Pricing $0.005/hour per GB $0.010/hour per GB

As you can see, both MongoDB Atlas and AWS DocumentDB are neck and neck in terms of performance, scalability, and availability. However, AWS DocumentDB edges out MongoDB Atlas in terms of scalability, as it offers both horizontal and vertical scaling.

Pricing Comparison

Pricing can be a deciding factor for many app developers, and both MongoDB Atlas and AWS DocumentDB have their own unique pricing models. Let's compare:

MongoDB Atlas Pricing

MongoDB Atlas pricing is based on a pay-as-you-go model, where you only pay for what you use. Here's how the pricing tiers break down:

  • Free: up to 512 MB storage
  • Shared: $9/month for 1 GB storage and $0.10/GB for additional storage
  • Dedicated: pricing varies on your app's requirements

AWS DocumentDB Pricing

AWS DocumentDB pricing is based on an hourly usage basis, with separate pricing for storage and instance usage. Here's how the pricing tiers break down:

  • $0.10/hour per cluster
  • $0.010/hour per GB for storage
  • On-demand and reserved pricing options available


To wrap things up, choosing between MongoDB Atlas and AWS DocumentDB is all about weighing the pros and cons. Both offer high performance, availability, and scalability for your apps, and both have their own unique pricing models.

If you prioritize scalability, AWS DocumentDB is your best bet. If you're looking for consistency and strong transaction support, MongoDB Atlas might be the way to go. Ultimately, the choice is yours!

We hope that our comparison helped you make an informed decision. Happy data wrangling!


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